Samurai, Ninja, Orc


Real life is rather busy at the moment, so these four took a little longer to finish than I had hoped.  But I like the way that they turned out all the same.

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Cialis Cowgirls – DreadBall Cheerleaders #1

Bambi, Tiffany & Candi.

Bambi, Tiffani & Candi.

Most Blood Bowl figures are a bit too fantasy looking to be suitable for use in DreadBall.  DreadBall miniatures are also a bit smaller than the GW heroic 28mm that Blood Bowl figures conform to, which also limits compatibility.

Those restrictions dont apply as much to the second edition Blood Bowl miniatures range.   Continue reading

Slippery Joe – Dreadball MVP


Joe here is a named character available to marauder teams in Dreadball.  As goblins dont normally play in the position of Striker, Joe is unique.  He also has a huge moustache. Continue reading

B.P. Oilers – Dreadball Marauder Team


My second finished Dreadball team is the B.P. Oilers, a team consisting of “orx” and goblins (collectively known as “marauders”).


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10mm Mounted Goblin Heroes

These three guys represent the flower of goblin nobility in my 10mm Orc & Goblin army.  I plan to put a pennant or banner of some sort on the central figures lance at a later date.

What is curious about these Copplestone figures is that they are marketed as orc (not goblin) wolf riders.  Unsurprisingly, the armour, style and dimensions of the riders also look a lot like the armour, style and dimensions of the Copplestone orc foot troops, which also feature in my force.

In the post regarding Hobgoblin Wolf Riders I mentioned how this blurring of the line between orc and goblin doesnt bother me one jot in conceptual terms, but how it can be a bit inconvenient in practical wargames terms.  It is mildly irritating here.  I decided that the line of least resistance is the “if it sits on a wolf, then its not an orc” definition, therefore these guys are simply big goblin beefcakes.

This will be the last 10mm fantasy installment for a while I reckon.  I have a pretty solid core of a force painted up since I started the project, which is satisfying.  With games of Kings of War using 10mm figures likely to crop up over the next few months, that seems likely to motivate me to add occasional units to the force from time to time.

10mm Hobgoblin Wolf Riders #1


The latest units that I have finished are these two units of wolf riders.  Each unit consists of two bases.

Kings of War is our fantasy game of choice right now, as determined by theottovonbismark and MT after they played some experimental games using a number of systems.

In KoW the goblins and orcs each have a separate army list.  Both armies feature units called “Sniffs” which are described as bow using lesser orcs.  The sniffs in the orc list are infiltrating scout troops and the sniffs in the goblin list are these guys, bow armed wolf (or “fleabag” in KoW parlance) cavalry.

With scale creep and stylistic differences the line between an orc and a goblin in 28mm can sometimes be a bit blurry.  This is further pronounced in 10mm I have found, with some manufacturers goblins being larger than other manufacturers orcs for example.

Although I am fine with the notion of orcs and goblins being quite variable in appearance (like dogs), it is usually important to be able to easily distinguish which troop type a tabletop model represents.  It is important that this is apparent not only to me, but very obvious to my opponent too.

So I decided to paint my sniff units with yellow skin tones to distinguish them from the orcs and goblins.  For reasons that I am unsure of I associate yellow and orange with hobgoblins.  It could because of the old GW “Hobgoblin Orange” paint, but I think that its more that that.  Seeing as sniffs straddle the line between orcs and goblins I figured that yellow flesh might work.

The models themselves are GW Warmaster goblin wolf riders.  Whatever issues people might have with GW, their 10mm fantasy figures are better than any other manufacturers that I have come across so far although predictably they are eye-wateringly expensive.

10mm Saruman the White

Saruman the White

Saruman today.  Another Copplestone figure, this guy was a pleasure to paint.  Lovely sharp detail and nice deep recesses, the figure lent itself to my painting style rather well I think.

The robes go from black through to a very light cream (GC Off White).  The high contrast may not be terribly realistic, but it does make the detail on the figure stand out easily from a few feet away.

“There will be no dawn… for men.”

I made an effort to paint eyebrows on this figure, which was a bit risky.  Mainly I did it because the look of the character when played by Christopher Lee in the movies relies heavily on the big black bushy eyebrows and black ‘tasche.  So I thought that I would give it a go in 10mm for fun.

I think that this is the figure that I found most enjoyable to paint in this project so far 🙂

10mm Evil Army Shot #1

After a phase of chaotic mancave reorganising I got the place ready for gaming in again over the weekend.  After a couple of games of Malifaux today I cleared up enough space to take a group shot of my 10mm orc, goblin and general evildoers army.

I have plenty more additions to the force in the pipeline, but here is everything completed to date.  Not too bad at all ocnsidering everything in it has been assembled and painted this month so far.

Lots more 10mm Fantasy

Mounted Nazgul

Nazgul mounted on Fell Beast

My first unit of Orcs…

…and how those orcs look alongside last weeks goblins.

Orc heroes alongside last weeks goblin shaman.

My first unit of wolf rider goblin cavalry.

My stone thrower (along with Sweetums-like propulsion system…

… and a shot from the side to show the brains of the artillery unit.

I am enjoying this project a lot.  The turnover rate is rapid, allowing me to get to paint units with a little bit of care while still amassing a force reasonably quickly: very satisfying.

Comments and criticisms all happily received.  If anyone has any questions about the stuff shown then let me know.

10mm War Trolls

War Trolls

The next addition to my growing 10mm horde is these Copplestone War Trolls.  These are very nicely sculpted figures that were pleasant to paint and I recommend them without any serious hesitation.  I do have a couple of minor gripes though.

The sculpts have nice faces that have a characteristic Copplestone style to them.  The detail on the models is crisp although the designer has kept the figures quite clean: there are not many extraneous details.

Normally I like a minimalist miniature design approach as it speeds painting along.  Extra detail does not always equal more character (Games Workshop please take note).  In the case of these trolls however, I think that it was a minor error.

Because these figures are quite large (as 10mm trolls go at least) and because there are few details on the figures that demonstrate scale other than the occasional skull on their belt (which could be a skull from a fantasy creature of any size really), it is easy to mistake these guys for 25mm or short 28mm figures.

The shields are the main culprits here: the shield looks plain enough to be a 60cm diameter Roman parma rather than the two metre diameter, livestock/vehicle/you-and-your-family flattening piece of ordnance that a creature of that size would likely carry.

Also the fact that the plain shields and weapons look somewhat factory produced is somehow incongruous with the primitive looking trolls.  I know that Mordor and the like seem to have quite efficient production facilities (no union presence is a factor Id say) but the pairing of those weapons and those trolls doesnt sit quite right with me.

“Shhh! I dont think he’s seen us…”

Painting was straightforward.  I considered painting them a shade of green but the scaly shoulders, knees and arse were obviously designed under influence from the troll design in the Lord of the Rings movies, so I went with an approximation of that.  I enjoy painting pale flesh tones anyway.

In Warmaster troll sized creatures tend to be mounted three to a base.  As these figures are being prepped primarily for that game that was the plan.

Unlike when painting 28mm figures, I paint miniatures at this scale separately from their bases and attach them afterwards, so that I can get at the awkward areas while painting.  Thats what I did with these guys too.

Trying to get three big guys like these to stand together on the same base was awkward.  Awkward enough in fact for me to swear passionately when I manged to knock all nine trolls onto the wooden floor while trying to perch them delicately on their bases without cover each other with glue.

Once the tears had dried sufficiently for me to cover up the damaged paintwork as well as I could I finally got them stuck down and based.

20:20 hindsight tells me that I should have simply mounted the figures two to a base and added either scenic pieces or the occasional goblin or orc to add scale, but its too late to do that now.


Despite all of my whining I still like these guys quite a bit.  Their particularly massive stature makes them look rather threatening alongside the front of my second goblin unit.