DBX Publicity


Mantic games are using a miniature that I painted in their publicity shots today.  I painted the Yndij Reaver model on the right of the image above, the guy with the orange mane.

My painting isnt nearly as tight as studio painters  – I doubt that I will ever have anything like that sort of patience and skill level – but I am very pleased that what I produce is good enough for shots like this.


Better than perfect…

I dont tend to put external videos up here.  I prefer this blogs content to be almost exclusively about my processed hobby items/events, not anything else.

Nonetheless, I want to put this ninety second clip that I have been pondering for a week or so up anyway: it is very hobby relevant and applicable to how I approach my toy soldier output.

Regular scheduling now resumes.



Inquisitor/Pulp Alley: Final Boarding


Shuttlecraft Helga sits being refuelled at Libertine spaceport.

After the ork pirates and the evil human mercenaries finished stealing each others wheels they went to the spaceport.  This is what happened next.

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Inquisitor/Pulp Alley: Backside Roasting

Kaptin Fiddy Teef commandeers Mushrööm Klöwds Töör Bus and takes Big Billy, Crackers and some other Skallywags on a road trip.

Just before Xmas PB and I got together for a couple of games of Pulp Alley set somewhere in the armpit of the 40k universe.  For the first game we particularly wanted to try out the PA vehicle rules.  This is how it went.

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Decent Exposure

Image property of Atlantic Publishers

Image property of Atlantic Publishers

Sometimes good things happen.  One of todays good things is finding out that my corner of internet toy soldier-dom got a small but complimentary mention in an article in Miniature Wargames Magazine #381.


I havent got my hard copy of the magazine yet (although I have my people working on that) but this is what the article said concerning sho3box:


• sho3box.wordpress.com
As I get older, I have realised that I hate talented
people. Cheetor (by name, though not I hope by
nature) regularly turns out absolutely beautiful
figures and game boards, using a wide variety
of figures from different manufacturers and not
just old Citadel lead. It should also be noted
that while Cheetor uses the background from
Rogue Trader 40,000, most of his games seem
to use Pulp Alley rules, proving that one does
not necessarily hahave to be Oldhammer to play


Isnt that nice?  Exactly the sort of thing that one is glad to hear on a cold January Monday.

Edit: I have put a link to the full article above.  With the article now included I heartily encourage anyone who enjoys any of the items on this blog to check out the others listed in the piece.  Every one is well worth your time.


Avaran Treebeast, Grogan Convict Thug and Yndij Reaver for DreadBall Xtreme

L to R: Avaran Treebeast, Yndij Reaver, Convict Grogan Thug

L to R: Avaran Treebeast, Yndij Reaver, Convict Grogan Thug

In December I finished these three pieces for the newly released DreadBall Xtreme.  

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