Raptoryx and Furies

Minor daemons and murder parrots, primarily for Warcry, but with all sorts of uses in many games.

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Chaos Warhounds


Citadel Chaos Warhounds

I quite like the (relatively) modern Citadel Miniatures “chaos warhound” designs. The consistent body shape – some sort of hyena-pig-dog – with minor differences in horns/tail/ears/etc appeals to me more than the random conglomeration of animal features that other Citadel chaos hounds often had. I like my beastmen to largely look like satyr for similar reasons: I like my chaos, organised. So I painted a box worth of these guys.

The idea was to paint them to look like pale skinned mutants, as suited for running around the Cursed Earth or the Harman Visitation Zone as the Mortal Realms, to make them as genre cross compatible as possible without diluting the look too much. With that I mind I went for a pale morlock/The Descent/radiation scorched style, pinkish and sore looking skin tone.


Witch Hunter Byron Maiden and his retinue hold the wild things of the forest at bay.

Traveling Circus

I went to Nottingham a little while ago for a gaming weekend.  One of the highlights was the opportunity to play some Mordheim with my Carnival of Chaos/Circus of Corruption.  If you can endure the pretty dodgy photography, then you can see a number of weird miniatures looking for treasure and beating up vampires with gym equipment.


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Circus of Corruption 2

Eleven more Circus of Corruption figures, from Old School Miniatures.

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Circus of Corruption

I was sent a few preview miniatures from the Circus of Corruption Kickstarter that is currently running.  The bizarre looking collection of figures looked like a group that I would enjoy painting fairly rapidly, so that’s what I did.

The Kickstarter started with seventeen models in the range, but that number has gone up as pledging has increased.  As the figures reward a rapid, drybrush and wash heavy paint job I reckon that completing the set could be done speedily.  I’m hoping to get the lot done that way.

Perhaps surprisingly, I have a number of uses planned for a miniature rotting carnivàle.  I am certain that I can fit these creepy oddballs into a few settings and games.

“Break wind everyo… no thats not it… Ah yes, break a leg everyone!”

The Kickstarter is running for another four days or so at the time of writing, so if a creepier-than-usual looking miniature circus sounds like something that you want to get your hands on, then click this.



Silver Tower: Tzanngor


Beastmen of Tzeentch with a hint of tengu.

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Silver Tower: Slop and Blot


The first two completed models for my Silver Tower project are these two Familiars, Blot (the book) and Slop (the fish).

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Silver Tower Project


Nothing defines the fantasy genre like a dungeoncrawl.

Huge battles with ranks of elves and trolls and the like are all well and good, but a sweaty barbarian kicking down a wooden door and murdering a load of goblins and stealing their wallets is genre defining like no pitched battle can ever be.

This is a bucket list desire for me.  So it was time for a Silver Tower project.

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Daemonette Familiar

Daemonette Familiar

Daemonette Familiar

I painted this figure yesterday evening.  I have owned this slightly creepy classic Citadel miniature for about twenty years and have wanted to get around to painting one since well before that, so getting it finished was satisfying.  I will use the figure as some sort of unsettling sidekick to a Chaos type in a future Inquisitorial game.

If you are unfamiliar with the sculpt then it might not be immediately apparent from the image above that the miniature is about half the size of a modern 28mm.

Temptation from the Warp

“You guys can see the creepy little demon chick too, right? Its not just me, is it?”

My Army in White Dwarf #259


White Dwarf #259

A blast from the past today.
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