Warpcon 2014 – DreadBall


Warpcon” has been my local con since my school days.  I have attended the majority of times that the event has taken place over the twenty four years that it has been running.

In addition to playing a few casual games with old friends, I often try to run a game/tournament of something at Warpcon to keep me busy.  With 2013 being the year of DreadBall at Chateau Sho3box the obvious choice this time was to run a day-long DreadBall tournament. Continue reading

Confrontation Bounty Hunter/ Blood Axe Human Advisor

Blood Axe Human Advisor

Blood Axe Human Advisor

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Mushrööm Klöwd: Goff Rokkerz

"Give it up for... Mushroom Klowd!!!!!"

“Give it up for… Mushrööm Klöwd!!!!!”

Back in the late eighties/early nineties (when I started getting into GW) the company had its own record label.  Really. Continue reading

Ork Deffkoptas


This aerial unit is my first completed miniatures sub-project of 2014 .  The miniatures are plastic “Deffkopta” (thats “Deathcopter” to you English speakers) kits from the now out of production “Assault on Black Reach” Warhammer 40000 starter set released in 2008. Continue reading

2013 = 192 Painted Miniatures

A gallery of the 192 miniatures that I painted this year. 192 is a record annual total for me.

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Da Captive

Da Captive

Da Captive

When playing Gorkamorka a couple of years ago, I noted that it would be convenient and kinda funny to have a dedicated model to represent “Da Captive” that crops up in a few of the scenarios.  After the days gaming was done, while we sat in the man-cave having a couple of drinks and shooting-the-shit, I dug around and found an old Heroclix “Beast” miniature that had a scampering, tail-between-its-legs look that seemed fit for the purpose.

I forgot to take a rear shot of Da Captive, so here is a shot of the butt-flap while the figure was on the painting table.

I forgot to take a rear shot of Da Captive, so here is a shot of the butt-flap while the figure was on the painting table.

The model was missing its left foot as it had been used to convert this figure, but the scampering pose looked amusing and appropriate for an ork captive.  I added a choppa handle to make a peg leg (a common appendage on GorkaMorka) and a standard ork head.  I also hastily scraped a butt-flap (I dont know what they call those things, but thats what George of the Jungle calls them) into the arse region and added a couple of “buttons”.  And that was where work on Da Captive ceased for two and a half years.


Last December I started working on my ork miniatures again and decided that Da Captive needed to be part of the current wave of ork enthiusiasm.  I painted the unitard that Beast had worn like a pair of long-johns, with the red used in my Bigdogz ork forces appropriate for making the model look like its wearing dirty, somewhat somewhat Western themed undergarments.

It has since been suggested that a prison jumpsuit orange might have been a fun approach too, but I didnt think of that at the time for some reason.  Sticking to the palette meant that the figure got painted faster and as part of a batch anyway, plus the Wild West look of the red long-johns is just as appropriate I think.  An ork in a prison jumpsuit does sound like fun too though.

Ferro Beasts

Ferro Beasts

Ferro Beasts

A speed painted addition to the Alien Flora & Fauna project today, with these Reaper Bones Oxidation Beasts standing in for Rogue Trader Ferro Beasts.   Continue reading

More Necron Scarabs



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Dryad Familiar

Dryad Familiar

“Stumpy” – Dryad Familiar

I painted this tiny little fella on a whim a week or so ago.  Its another Reaper Bones miniature, this time some sort of woodland spirit or alien stick insect sort of thing.  Like most familiars, its quite small.

"I think that the little guy is trying to tell us something..."

“I think that the little guy is trying to tell us something…”

Although the miniature is presumably designed to be used as some sort of magical, dryad sort of creature, I hope to get around to using it as some sort of camouflaged alien species in a future game.

Alien Space Bats

Alien Space bats (and Judge Death, acting all theatrical)

Alien Space Bats (and Judge Death doing his impersonation of Sesame Streets “Count”)

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