Dracula’s America in Spaaace.

theottovonbismark’s Crossroads Slaaneshi Cultists welcome safe drivers.

I have been gearing up to some Dracula’s America (in Spaaace) gaming for several months.  theottovonbismark and Mr Saturday were caught up in the perilium rush enthusiasm and headed to Standard Falls (via Uncanny Valley) recently and we played some games.

The Boss Drum Ratskin tribe, the Crossroads Cult of Slaanesh and the Shadow Empire Tong cautiously attempt to parlay in the Uncanny Valley deadlands.

I was lax about taking photos this time around, but Mr Saturday grabbed a number of nice ones that can be seen over at his blog.  It’s also a good place to see some nice photos of the lovely new additions to his Shadow Empire force.  There are some nice photos of theottovonbismark’s Slaaneshi cult over there too.

A three metre tall robot covered in missile launchers and crockery “sneaks” around the scruffy boomtown of Standard Falls.

Although described by some as a “sad” photo of a lying down space bear-man, I choose to see it as the external view of an enlightening vision quest for a lying down space bear-man… lying next to a pervert demon.

Ebeneezer Basshunter, Soundbyte, Mr. C, and Talks Big critique the sub standard guttering prevalent in this part of town.

This photo does not capture the obscene levels of luck attached to the pot-bots at this point. Meanwhile Lo Pan assists a local possessed by Vinz Clortho on his way to meet the Gatekeeper.

As the dust settled, the eclectic citizens of the remote, but newly resource rich mining town got back to regular business.

Pulp Alley 40K: “Exit Strategy”



Genestealer hybrids, ratling tyrants and immoral scientists all experience a transdimensional audit with extreme prejudice, while simultaneously hopping from mega city to graveyard, and from planet to planet.


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Pulp 40k Alley: Firebase Fracas

The partially ruined outpost "FB96"

The partially ruined outpost “FB96”

Human/alien hybrids with 1980s synth pop affectations, motile and monosyllabic trees, fascist space-halflings, moustachioed mankini garbed ork geniuses and rapid fire ion blaster wielding anthropomorphic raccoons and a load of robots are only some of the things that collided at Firebase RB96 last Saturday.

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Oldhammer Man-Date

L to R: Skeltork/theottovionbismark, Inq. Verhoeven/cheetor-sho3box, Fimm Warrior/Mr Saturday, Orko/Just John

L to R: theottovionbismark, cheetor-sho3box, Mr Saturday, Just John (reconstruction)

theottovonbismark and I recently arranged to meet some strange men that we had been talking to on the internet in a public place.

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