Fan Service

Mosha, Smash, Basha and Ziggy explore D minor while waiting for Steev Tylork and the sound engineer to get back from rehab.

Mosha, Smash, Basha and Ziggy explore D minor while waiting for Steev Tylork and the sound engineer to get back from rehab.

Yesterday Asslessman over on Leadplague posted up an image of a Rogue Trader themed civilian model that he has been working on.  Its a fun conversion of an old Citadel fantasy drunk model with the addition of a Walkman and some 80s rocker stylings.

Of particular interest to me is that the retro futuristic rocker turns out to be the sectors number one fan of the galaxies least punctual glam/death/prog/speed metal band, Mushrööm Klöwd.

Space Metalhead by Asslessman at Leadplague.  Click on the image to check out his post.

Space Metalhead converted and painted by Asslessman at Leadplague. Click on the image to check out his post.

I am amused (and flattered) that Asslessman chose to paint his model as a fan of my ridiculous miniature band.  It has encouraged me to go back and finish off the next two pieces that I have planned to add to the unit sooner rather than later.  Before the end of 2014 I hope.


Hopefully the next time that Asslessman and I meet up we can facilitate Darrell “Douchebag” Roses dream of meeting up with his idols.  He might even get to have a look around the Töör Bus where the magic happens, assuming that he brings protection.

5 Responses

  1. Thanks a lot !
    It’s actually Erny’s idea in the first place but tying all our little worlds together with small links sounded like fun so I jumped on that wagon. Like I said, Ferrograd and the squat Heavy industrialist union have become part of my inspiration along with Axiom’s Sutter Dukes and others, inventing a band would have been fun but tying it to an existing one just makes it to another level.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well thank you really (and Erny) 🙂

      Its more fun to reference other existing projects than to create them especially I think (although I think that you could generate quite an entertaining 40K band yourself). Those sorts of Easter Egg references are fun to find and also add a group element to the projects that exists purely for the enjoyment of the process rather than a final goal.

      The Sector Six Crossover that I organised with Gen. Guiscard was similar: an necessary bit of very entertaining whimsy.

      We will come up with more, similar ways to tie things together as time goes by I expect 🙂


      • Wow, that sounds dangerously like building a new meta or canon…

        Let’s do that.


        • Yep, lets do that and then freak the hell out when ANYONE deviates even slightly from conformity.

          Its the way forward 😉

          The best superhero media casually references continuity in order to entertain those invested in it rather than slavishly adhering to what has come before to placate obsessives.

          Casual reference to say Logans World or Luther McIntyre or Mushrööm Klöwd or The Church of the Pudding or whatever is plenty as fas as I am concerned: I dont want the entire geo-political structures and histories defined just in case they get in the way of a fun idea that I have at a later date.

          So we need to get MK posters into our games and then push for a sly background reference in 40k 8th ed.



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