Judgement Day #11: Justice Dept. Stub Gunner

StubGun1JudgementDay11 A judge equipped with an iconic weapon from the Justice Departments Apocalypse War arsenal today. StubGun4DreddMegaCollection3Cover Mr Saturday has primarily been painting Sov Judges from East Meg One for his portion of our collaborative Judgement Day Project.  Satisfyingly, we got an opportunity to play a small Apocalypse War game recently.  That game put me in the mood to add this appropriately themed model to my Justice Department forces.

The invasion of Mega City One by East Meg forces led primarily to a guerrilla war, with small teams of MC1 Judges making hit and run attacks on the invaders.  The Stub Gun was an experimental, man-portable ray gun capable of slicing a Rad-Sweeper or plasteel overpass in two: very convenient for narrative purposes.  Down sides to the technology included a propensity for catastrophic explosion due to overheating, killing the wielder. StubGun3JudgementDay11 The model is a relatively recent addition to the Mongoose/Warlord Dredd range (with some of those models dating from well over a decade ago now).  It was a simple two part assembly and the gunner should stand me in good stead when Mr Saturday starts bringing the full weight of the East Meg war effort to a tabletop near me. The painting didnt turn out as nicely as I had been hoping this time, due to a combination of a few factors, but its good enough for now and a deadline is a deadline after all: its not called “Judgement Day” for nothing.

Judge Shaw takes up position in the ruins of Sector 13, lying in wait for the arrival of the East Meg Rad-Sweepers.

Judge Shaw takes up position in the ruins of Sector 13, lying in wait for the arrival of the East Meg Rad-Sweepers.

Mr Saturday is up with a new submission next Monday as usual.

21 Responses

  1. Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Grok! You’ve done a spugly job with that Jack!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Holy smokes that’s a good paint job. The green, especially, is very comic booky, which is the perfect look for Judge Dread IMHO. Wish mine turned out as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Tiny Basement. I do think that the extreme highlighting suits the subject matter.


    • Funny, I was going to mention the green as well. I highlight a lot this way – basically up to near-white, and its a very eye catching effect!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Comparing this model to the Judges that I paintind in 2011 was interesting, I didnt realise how much my painting has changed yet again since then. I do push the highlights further than ever now, the theory being that if the contrast isnt visible at a distance of about a metre away then it isnt really worth bothering with.

        I pushed it a bit further with the green (GW Gauss Blaster green as the final highlight) with one or two green glazes afterwards. It could maybe have done with a third glaze perhaps.


  4. Love it, you can tell he’s not here to make sandwiches.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bang-tidy! He looks awesome dude 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Alex, I have many more models that will have to be painted in this scheme as time goes by, so its critical that it isnt too much of a chore to paint. Im glad that you like it.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the idea behind the gun & can’t wait to see it blow up in the judge’s face lol.

    Oh & nice paint job mate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Frank! There were many heroic sacrifices in the Apocalypse War storyline, but few were as crowd pleasing as the Stub Gun related ones.


  8. The face is perfect for a judge, emotionless.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ah, the stub gun. The quintessential Apocalypse War weapon. He looks great, an excellent addition to your Judge force. I can’t wait to see him in action against something worthy of his firepower.

    Liked by 1 person

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